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Pre Plus and Pixi Plus Still Ticking

Palm struck a deal recently to make its WebOS smartphones available on the Verizon network, which is #1 in the US, at least in terms of coverage area and subscribers. I’ve alluded several times to these new devices, known as Pre Plus and Pixi Plus. Each is a slight evolution from their Sprint-exclusive cohorts. In addition to the new and improved center button and enabled WiFi, there appears to be more available RAM, which should further help with the performance issues (though, as we are learning with WebOS updates – performance seems to be heavily based in software optimizations). Also, both the Plus devices ship by default with the TouchStone - compatible back cover, so they have that going for them too, which is nice.

Rumor has it that the Pre Plus and Pixi Plus are soon coming to the AT&T networks as well. Go go gadget universal availability!

I can haz WebOS – which phone plz!

So now we come to an interesting question: you’ve fallen in love with WebOS, and are lusting after a phone based on it, but don’t know which one to buy? Both the Pre and Pixi (and their respective Plus versions) have pros and cons and the answer also depends on what you’re coming from. If you’re upgrading from a simple non-smartphone, either is going to feel like you’ve stepped into the 21st century. If you are going to be viewing a lot of media and browsing the web, you probably want the extra real estate the Pre’s screen provides, as well as the WiFi (assuming you’re on Sprint, if you’re on Verizon it’s moot, so congrats). If you’re used to having a phone that feels more indestructible, you’re going to prefer the Pixi. I’ve been using both phones for a few months and it’s a very hard decision for me. Most of the time I say Pre – it’s just a little more powerful with its WiFi and larger screen. But then there’s those times where I pick up the Pixi and it just feels so good in the hand, and the keyboard…oh the keyboard.

One of the big items to consider when choosing between these two phones is the browser. As I’ve mentioned, Pre has a significantly larger display, and you’d probably think that because of that, the web browsing experience would be more enjoyable.

For the individual, it might also come down to price. Both phones have seen major price cuts recently, and if you shop around, depending on the usual deals and terms, you can pick up a Pixi or Pixi Plus for close to 0$. At the same time though, the Pre is around 80$ depending on your situation. Granted we’re not talking about huge quantities of money, but free is still free. Well, after mail in rebate it is. So there’s that.

In a perfect world, Palm is going to find a way to marry some of the features of both form factors and assemble a next generation WebOS phone, one that truly will be a complete competitor to the iPhone. Either majorly up the build quality of the Pre’s slider, and import Pixi’s superior keyboard, or up the Pixi’s screen size to some happy medium between the two, and boost her internals so performance is never an issue. Rumors are already starting to filter through the forums of a new device coming down the road.
