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Is Sofia Ojeda Leaving KPRC, Where Is She Going To Work?

Sofia Ojeda, an Emmy-Winning Journalist, is notable for her work in KPRC. She has been required as an anchor for the KPRC2 Houston TV channel. This pleased worker, with a showed history of working in the transmission media industry, is gifted in Storytelling, general and Investigative Reporting, and video.

Sofia Ojeda has snatched consideration subsequent to declaring that this solid media and correspondence expert will leave the news business.

Is Sofia Ojeda Leaving KPRC? Sofia Ojeda is leaving KPRC following 18 years of a superb and insane time in the news business.

She subtitled in her post that with bittersweetness in her heart, she is declaring her takeoff from the TV news industry. The writer additionally offered her thanks for the chance to work in the astonishing city of Texas and that she has advanced so a lot and has developed enormously.

Finally, she said thanks to everybody, including her companions, associates, and watchers, who have given her affection and backing since the very beginning in her KPRC venture.

Furthermore, presently, since her Instagram account, @kprc2sofia will e deactivated soon, Ojeda’s fans can keep on following her on Instagram at ojedasays. The anchor will show up this end of the week morning, Saturday, and Sunday, her last end of the week morning shows on TV beginning at 6 am.

Where Could Sofia Ojeda Going To Work be? Sofia Ojeda won’t work in the TV news industry, as affirmed by the writer.

She additionally noted on her web-based entertainment that she anticipates snoozing on end of the week mornings and no 1 am, 2 am, and 3 am reminders. Her KPRC partner Courtney remarked in her flight post that she is pleased with Ojeda for accepting this jump as it’s difficult to leave the work you generally cared about.

All things considered, One thing is without a doubt Sofia won’t work in the news business as she has proactively said goodbye to this industry. From our comprehension, maybe, Ojeda will be a stay-at-home spouse and mother as her posts suggested that she is investing more energy with her loved ones.

Moreover, Sofia’s other partner Sabirah Rayford spilled her guts, composing that she has gone from a partner to a companion to a sister. Rayford likewise composed that end of the week mornings won’t be something very similar without Sofia, yet she is past appreciative that their ways crossed. Finally, Sabirah added that this is only start for herself and that she is eager to see you take off higher than ever in your next section.

Sofia Ojeda Salary 2022 Sofia Ojeda’s compensation may be somewhere in the range of $52,244 and $85,901, as the wages for secures normally fall under this reach.

Indeed, the Salary site recorded that Houston secures procure $65,139 as of May 27, 2022. Similarly, as per Comparably, the TV secures in Houston, Texas, make $158,991. Furthermore, the entry likewise noticed that the given sum is 3% beneath the public normal Television Anchor pay of $163,676.

Sofia Ojeda Husband And Married Life Sofia Ojeda wedded her significant other, Dan Clark, in 2014 and has been raising an ideal family together for north of seven years.

Her significant other fills in as a cop and attempts to bring and uphold the regulations in the country. She additionally shares two girls named Ela and Leora with her significant other.
